Masterclass Systemic Rituals – 2 day session with Daan van Kampenhout VOLZET

Programme – SOLD OUT (waiting list)

Shamanic traditions look different at healing principles and problemsolving than contemporary western society does. Where the western psychotherapist often engages with the client on a journey of dissecting and understanding earlier experiences that spreads out over months, the traditional shaman immerses their client just once in an embodied experience of wholeness which effect lasts as an imprint of being supported and strengthened.

Both approaches have their limitations and their merits. Personal problems will always be part of the human experience, and in these two scheduled meetings we will explore some of the ways in which we can experience being part of a larger field that balances, supports and strengthens us. When we understand how shamanic principles of connecting to external resources can be applied in simple rituals, our problems do not necessarily disappear but we will be better equipped to deal with them and we can live our life with restored confidence.

Dates & Location:

  • 21-22 March 2025 9.30am-5pm CET: in person
  • Cadzandië, Vierhonderdpolderdijk 10; 4506 HL Cadzand, Netherlands



 residential programme (2 nights)!!

  • Price:
    • training: business price: 750€ excl VAT; private participants: 595€ incl VAT
    • accommodation: 166€ excl VAT for 2 nights in 2 persons room; 191€ excl VAT for 2 nights in 1 person room; accommodation from Thursday night with check out Saturday morning
  • registration: via mail (Ria Verlinden, Evelyne Debeuckelaer, Petra van den Dragt)
  • max 40 participants

Praktische informatie



