Masterclass Systemic Rituals – Daan van Kampenhout (online)


Programme Shamanic traditions look different at healing principles and problemsolving than contemporary western society does. Where the western psychotherapist often engages with the client on a journey of dissecting and understanding earlier experiences that spreads out over months, the traditional shaman immerses their client just once in an embodied experience of wholeness which effect lasts […]


Online Inspiratie Sessie


Programma Inhoud: Ontvang een korte theoretische uiteenzetting van systemisch werk, en vooral van de effectiviteit ervan! Breng je eigen organisatie vraagstuk mee.   Wat biedt je deze supervisie? Je leert de principes van systemisch werk kennen en hoe ze inspelen in organisaties. Je krijgt een andere blik om naar je organisatie vraagstuk te kijken.   […]


Masterclass Systemic Rituals – Daan van Kampenhout (online)


Programme Shamanic traditions look different at healing principles and problemsolving than contemporary western society does. Where the western psychotherapist often engages with the client on a journey of dissecting and understanding earlier experiences that spreads out over months, the traditional shaman immerses their client just once in an embodied experience of wholeness which effect lasts […]
