For coaches
As an organisational coach, you long for a sparring partner with systemic insight.
A coaching process becomes so much stronger when you can occasionally soundboard with an external person who can add different perspectives.
As leadership, team or organisational coaches, we all aim for the same goal: to get the company consulting us moving again with a focus on more energy and better performance.
Sooner or later, you also get stuck in a client case, and all the working models you have internalised are no longer adequate to solve the organisational issue you came for.
The situation stalls and you just don’t get it about what it’s really about. Or eureka, things start flowing but as soon as you are out the door, everything collapses again as before.
As a coach, I am sometimes looking for a sounding board for my doubts in approach, the role I take on with clients and the tangle that organisational coaching can sometimes be. Evelyne miraculously tunes in systemically to what I present. With her feet literally and figuratively firmly on the ground and grounded, she offers thought-provoking questions and brings up insights that are enriching. A very special way of learning and growing.
Noomly offers a systemic view of your client case study
Feeling through complex issues from a systemic perspective is what Evelyne Debeuckelaer describes as her ‘second nature’. With her broad and intuitive vision, she almost effortlessly spots blind spots and sees potential to initiate real change with your client. Difficult organisational dynamics, deadlocked HR strategies, conflicting teams, complex collaborations, stagnating organisational development,…
For Evelyne, every question is an invitation to take an in-depth look at the undercurrent of organisations. She also looks at how you can take your place even more powerfully in the system you are guiding.
From a systemic perspective, Evelyne Debeuckelaer looks into more complex questions and offers you clear insights so that you and your client can move forward. You can also engage Noomly -temporarily- as a co-supervisor in your management team coaching.
How does Noomly mentor you?
You feel that there is still more potential present that you cannot immediately put your finger on, or you get stuck in your guidance.
Noomly is your sounding board that gets you moving even more and works with you on your organisational issue from a systemic perspective. An organisational or table constellation can provide additional clarification.
How does Noomly guide you?
Through individual supervision (live or online)
Noomly can also co-facilitate alongside you as a co-facilitator, for more specific questions or when facilitating management teams.
I very much appreciated the guidance of Evelyne in the constellation and her simplicity, clarity and strong holding. She is very grounded, and offers clear guidance in a spacious & light way. The depth of her presence and clear compas are important qualities she offers.
Introduction to systemic work?
Would you rather first get acquainted with exactly what systemic work is, in an approachable way?
Then sign up for one of the short, free online inspiration sessions where you can share your case study.