Embodied Leadership


What will this workshop bring you?

  • Learning how your leadership potential also resides in your body.
  • Growing in authenticity by integrating the wisdom of your body even more.

What is the benefit of your participation?

  • When you connect head and body, the impact of your leadership increases – consciouslyand unconsciously.
  • Owning your body wisdom even more, experiencing the effect of being fully present inyour body, learning more about yourself and how your body reacts with all its subtleties.

What awaits you?

  • A dynamic, experiential workshop that combines systemic insights with the power ofmovement and group dynamics.
  • We work with what is going on in the moment.
  • Experiencing an innovative, systemic view of leadership and discovering how the worldsof business and art are reinforce each other.

For whom?

  • Anyone who wants to develop and experience an innovative, systemic view of leadership.
  • For those who want to discover how the worlds of business and art can reinforce each other.


Who are the trainers?

Evelyne Debeuckelaer (’76 ) www.noomly.be ; www.onweerstaanbaarwild.be

Systemic Coach for Organisations and Leaders in international settings, aftera previous career in HR management. Trainer in systemic work and Facilitator of leadership development – also for women. Driven to let life energy flow more freely in organisations, teams and theirleaders. Systemic work, ancient wisdom and rituals form the basis for this.

Junior Sephunyane Mthombeni (’72)

Producer, director, actor, musician. His performances are abouttransformation and connection. Both socially and individually.”Homelandless”, “So-cha”, “Dear Winnie”,… are some of his productions. Creating rituals through play, movement, music, from silence.


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